Check out the instructions to get a more comprehensive view of how things in Upsi work exactly
For any account related issues, contact us directly
The Upsi rating system is innovative way to measure your and your friends' skills, in a way you've ever seen berfore.
The comprehensive statistics in Upsi are filled with interesting details of your game, the ups and the downs as well as graphs and deep dives.
Measure putting performance
Measure your putting performance as a key metric of any disc golfer. In Upsi this has been implemented as easy to use without extra hustle.
Guest players
Guest Players are players that you have added. They do not have their own account but the the user who has added them manages them.
Redeeming promo codes
If you are lucky enough to have received a promotional code for Upsi Black you can easyly redeem the code in the app.
More Instructions Coming Soon
We are adding more instructions as we go for you to get familiar with the plentiful array of different features Upsi has to offer.